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Climate and ESG Risks: Financial Firms

In this course, we discuss the impact of climate change and sustainability on business and risk management activities of financial institutions covering areas like data, risk assessment and modelling, ,stress testing, portfolio decarbonization and transition planning, strategic planning, sustainable finance, compliance and disclosure

About This Course

The last decade was the hottest decade in the modern history. The changing climate is already impacting lives of millions of people and operations of thousands of businesses around the world. The policymakers are taking major steps towards decarbonization of economy, and the financial institutions are working hard to assess how this and all the regulatory & disclosure requirements is going to impact their business models and the risk & return profile of their portfolios.

In this course, we start by covering the key facts about Climate Change and its implications on people, business models of firms and on portfolios of financial institutions around the world. We then review the recent and relevant developments in the Climate Change movements, political arena and business strategies of the leading firms. After setting the scene we introduce the key concepts of Climate Risk Management and explore the main aspects of physical and transitional climate risk drivers.

Then we explore the extensive applicable regulatory activities and guidelines around the world (EU, US, MAS, HKMA…) touching also on related relevant topics such as Model Risk Management, Artificial Intelligence, Capital Requirement and Greenwashing. Furthermore we dig into the leading climate & sustainability disclosure frameworks (IFRS, CSRD, TCFD, Taxonomy, SFDR, SEC , TCND..) and explore the impact they have on financial institutions and their customers.

We explore the climate risk data, measurement and modeling considerations separately from Physical and Transition risk sides. Here we elaborate on data, impact on traditional credit risk models, role of carbon and geo data and climate scenarios. We also review examples of assessment frameworks alongside the available public data tools.

As a next step we move on to the Climate Scenario Analysis and Stress Testing which are crucial tools for climate risk management, regulator but also for sustainable business steering. We analyze the regulatory expectations & experiences and the connection to the business as usual stress testing, we also introduce example of Climate risk stress testing methodology paired with a short demo.

We conclude our course by discussing the big picture and explore from strategic perspective the connection and synergies between portfolio decarbonization & transition planning & risk management and sustainable finance business generation. We review portfolio decarbonization guidance from the leading industry organization (GFANZ, TPT..) and discuss the role it will play in shaping of bank’s strategies going forward and discuss the importance of technology support for efficient and effective rollout of such strategies.

The course features 5 and half hours of video lectures, 50+ control test questions, and includes real-life examples of methodologies and frameworks used in the industry combined with 100+ external references to relevant background materials for further studies. A certificate signed by the instructor is provided upon successful completion.

For a free sample lecture, see

See also our promo video

We can also come and teach this course on-site in classroom format. If interested, please mail us at:

Course Reviews


The enrollment fee for this course is EUR 250 (VAT excl.) per participant. Payments are securely handled by PayPal. If you are a company in the European Union, then we can apply VAT reverse charge. For this, please mail your VAT number to Part of our course revenue is used towards funding organizations involvement in protecting and cleaning our oceans. See our about page to learn more about our mission statement.

After enrollment, participants will get 1 year unlimited access to all course material (videos, quizzes and certificate).

Course Outline

Course Intro
  • Instructor
  • Course Outline
  • Course Overview
Introduction Climate Change and Sustainability
  • Climate Change Facts
  • Paris Agreement & IPCC
  • Environmental risk & ESG & Sustainability
  • Quiz
International Initiatives and Perspectives
  • Governmental Actions (Green Deal, Carbon taxation…)
  • Sustainable Finance
  • Carbon footprint
  • Quiz
Climate Risk Management
  • Transition vs Physical risk
  • From Climate to Financial Risks
  • Liability & Environmental Risks
  • Quiz
Climate Risk Management Regulations
  • Climate Risk Regulators: EU & Global
  • Model Risk
  • Capital
  • Quiz
Climate Risk Reporting and Disclosures
  • Regulatory
  • Internal
  • External: IFRS, CSRD, SFDR, SEC, GRI, TNFD..
  • Quiz
Climate Risk Data and Assessment: Transition Risk
  • Data considerations
  • Assessment Templates
  • Public sources
  • Quiz
Climate Risk Data and Assessment: Physical risk
  • Data considerations
  • Assessment Templates
  • Public sources
  • Quiz
Climate Scenario analysis and stress testing
  • Vanila Stress Test vs Climate Stress Test Testing
  • Climate Risk Stress Testing Methodology
  • Climate Risk Stress Testing Demo
  • Quiz
Climate, Sustainability and Net-Zero transitions Strategy
  • Transition Planning
  • Decarbonization Strategies
  • Opportunities & innovation
  • Quiz
Final Quiz

Course Staff

Peter Plochan

Peter Plochan

Peter was born in Martin in Slovakia on 13th of December 1982. As he grew up, he developed his survival and creativity skills early on, mainly to deal with his 4 brothers & 4 sisters. That could be also one of the reasons behind his relocation to Amsterdam for 12 years. Besides speaking decent Dutch, which is often subject of numerous jokes, Peter is happy to chat also in English, Slovak, Czech and in limited “Peter” version of Portuguese / Spanish. In order to escape reality, Peter enjoys science-fiction & fantasy and whether it is a good book, decent movie or an addicting game, they all do the job nicely. To challenge his body and stimulate his brain Peter loves to train Capoeira (Brazilian Martial Art), do Thai-Boxing and to perform regularly as part of the Funnylicious Improvisation Comedy theatre group.. Peter lives now back in Slovakia, just outside of Bratislava togethert with his wife and little princess daughter Lea.

Peter has a finance background (Master’s degree in Banking) and is certified Financial Risk Manager (FRM) with 14+ years of experience in risk management in financial sector. He has assisted various banking and insurance institutions with large-scale risk management implementations while holding both internal and also external (PwC) risk management advisory roles. Peter joined SAS in 2014, and supports now SAS risk management activities across EMEA and serves as a global acting domain expert - leveraging the latest trends in risk analytics and technology with his deep risk management and finance expertise.

Peter also acts as the Risk Management trainer for PRMIA (Professional Risk Management International Association) and other organizations where he develops and delivers trainings on Model Risk Management, IFRS 9, ERM and Stress Testing and Climate Risk. Peter regularly speaks and presents at risk events / webinar and publishes risk management thought leadership materials (list of publications here ).
